Meet Korina, Green Iglu’s Project Manager


August 29, 2023

Get to know Korina Boettcher, Project Manager at Green Iglu! Here are a few words from Korina herself.

As a Project Manager for Green Iglu, I have a strong background in logistics, purchasing and managing. I have only dabbled in growing my own vegetables and to be honest I am a lazy gardener. I have learned the hard way that I do have to thin the carrots if I actually want to grow any. Like most people I hate weeding and I am too impatient to start seeds.

What I do love about gardening is what is called “Chaos Gardening” taking a handful of seeds and throwing them in the dirt. No creating rows, no “starting seeds”, no method, just madness. With this method I get a beautiful mixture of vegetables and native wildflowers.

The last vegetable garden I grew wasn’t for my family, it was for my chickens! I created a raised bed in my front yard, strictly with stuff to feed my chickens when I didn’t have enough kitchen scraps. A great way to keep the deer and bunnies out was to put a wooden stake in each corner, then tie flagging tape to the tops. The tape flaps in the wind and creates movement that keeps the wild animals out.

In 2023, I would like to experiment with a kitchen herb garden in the winter, as well as plant an outdoor garden of Asparagus, which is my most favourite vegetable. In my plot of dirt I would also like to plant native wildflowers to Alberta such as wild bergamot, blanket flowers and wild columbine promising to keep to my “chaos” roots and there will be no organization.

If you have the privilege of meeting Korina on-site, be sure to have some fun with chaos gardening together! We look forward to hearing all about it.

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Green Iglu is a not-for-profit organization that launched in 2013 and became a registered charity in 2019. We build greenhouse infrastructure and offer remote communities tailored training that embraces culture, working towards food sovereignty in Canada. Be sure to check out our FAQ page to see if we have answered any of your questions.

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Green Iglu recognizes that our Red Deer office is situated on Treaty 7 land, the traditional territory of the Blackfoot, Tsuu T’ina and Stoney Nakoda peoples. The region also falls under Treaty 6, traditional Métis, Cree and Saulteaux territory. We are also grateful to be invited to other territories with their own jurisdictions.
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